Let us answer your questions.
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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Which is best for my business – custom uniforms or off the shelf?

A: It is common thought that custom designed uniforms are more expensive than one that is ‘off the shelf’. This needn’t be the case! 
If you have over 50 staff and you would like a customised corporate uniform, this is on most cases the cheapest option. You will be able to have a uniform which is unique to your company, in a fabric and print of your choice, which will not be discontinued as can often happen to many stock service garments. 
You can be assured of a quality garment and sizing continuity each time you order. 
The best way to find out what will suit your business is by having a chat with us. You can book your one-on-one consultation by clicking here. We will talk you through your needs and the best options available. 

Q: What is the importance of a uniform?

A: A uniform is extremely important to boost your brand awareness.  It isn’t something that should be left to the last minute. it needs to be well thought out and planned so it compliments your company’s image. 
Your staff are the first people that your customers and visitors meet. they need to be well dress and groomed in a way that suits the venue and the brand. First impressions are important and it may be the difference between return business or not. 
So when you are in your next marketing meeting, make sure you explain the importance of uniforms to your brand and hot it is an invaluable investment in the marketing budget. 

Have a question that we haven’t answered? Be sure to get in touch via email or give us a call to chat. 


Email – hello@briecorporate.com.au

Phone – (02) 6066 0151

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Head Office

Suite 6,
611 Dean Street
Albury NSW 2640


Office - 02 60660 150

Showroom Opening Hours

Monday - Friday - By Appointment
Saturday - Sunday - Closed